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Strategic Due-Diligence.

Turnaround Feasibility.

Market Analysis.

Business Analysis.

Issue Analysis.

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Analysis & Feasibility.
Strategy Development.
People & Organisation.
Marketing Solutions.
Strategic Mgt Services.
Fresh Thinking.

Corporate Strategy.

Market Strategy.

Operations Strategy.

Bringing Strategy to Life.

Strategic Management.

Business Planning.

Change Management.

Programme Management.

Interim Management.

Organisational Alignment.

Executive Coaching.

Non-Executive Directors.

Operational Marketing.

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Our People

Like any service business our people are our greatest asset.  All consultants working with Ignetica have a highly successful track record in executive management in their particular field.  Typically they have been at Director level in major organisations, as well as having SME management experience, before moving into consultancy.  The common link is a desire to utilise their skills and experience for maximum effect with multiple clients.  

We are confident that our network of consultants is amongst the very best in each of the fields we operate.  And by having a very flexible resourcing pool we are simultaneously able to minimise our overhead (keeping our fees down) and ensure an ability to quickly scale teams for each individual client project.
Our Services