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Delivering Sustainable Turnarounds

Business turnarounds (returning a failing business to health) or turnups (moving an under performing business on a growth trajectory) have become a familiar part of the business landscape.  

If the real issues causing the under performance or failure can be identified and fixed, turnarounds or turnups offer the potential to generate significant shareholder value.   If however only the symptoms of the problem are addressed (cash crisis, financial and management control etc.) and the real causal factors aren’t adequately resolved the turnaround/turn up will be short lived.

Driving out cost, regaining financial and management control and frequently refinancing are all typical elements in the crisis management phase.  But what then?  How do you ensure sustainability of the turnaround particularly when the underlying cause may be rapid market and competitive changes which the business has failed to anticipate and react to?   In nearly all turnarounds there is a need for a Strategic Change phase in which the business substantially changes its engagement with the market and it business-operating model.  Without this the benefits of cost reduction and tightened cash-flow management will be short lived.  Strategic turnaround management is a particular focus of Ignetica and we can offer support all the way through the turnaround process.

Turnaround Feasibility: The key issue is the scope for a sustainable turnaround with the consequent ability to create lasting shareholder value.   Since this informs both whether a turnaround should be attempted and the decisions to be taken in the crisis stage it is essential to start developing this thinking early.  Our turnaround feasibility service is designed to provide this input, analysing the underlying issues and the external competitive environment to establish the scope and implications for a sustainable turnaround.

Turnaround Strategy & Planning: Absolute strategic and operational clarity is essential in the execution of a turnaround programme but equally as an element in regaining stakeholder confidence and potentially refinancing.  We have a range of service which can help from strategy development, through business and investment planning, organisational alignment  to Implementation Support Services.

Turnaround Management: No matter how good the planning  ultimately it is the execution of the turnaround plan that is key and here to we can help.  Many of our personnel are experienced Turnaround managers who as Interim Managers can lead client turnarounds, we can provide focused change and programme management  and a range of strategic support services.
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