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Our client in this case is a €1bn German Technology Company, with broad European market coverage, including a sizeable UK business.  Their challenge for Ignetica was to plan and develop a market entry plan for the UK public sector market, and in particular to capitalise on a major ICT development initiative.
Even in seemingly mature markets there is some times great potential by changing-the-game either through better market engagement/proposition or through radically different business operating models.  And some times the starting point is just a hunch.  In this case Ignetica were engaged initially to undertake a market and business feasibility study, before ultimately developing a the full business model…
UK Public Sector Market Entry Strategy
From Feasibility to UK Business Launch
Case Studies

Due to the ongoing nature of many of our client projects, and the sensitivity of our work to clients core business, we do not include client names in our case studies.  Provided your business is not competitive with our clients (and subject to their agreement) we would be happy to discuss each case in more detail and put you in contact with client personnel for reference purposes.  For more information please contact your ignetica consultant or email
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